Water World
Water World Ocean Park Hong Kong
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Sandbar Shark

Sandbar Shark
Scientific Name

Carcharhinus plumbeus

Other Common Name(s)
Brown Shark, Large Finned Shark, Thickskin Shark
Body Length
Up to around 2.4 m
Body Weight

Up to 117.9 kg

Coastal waters of tropical and temperate regions around the globe
Fun Facts

Fun Facts

  • The dorsal fin of sandbar sharks is very large, but it seldom appears above the surface of the water. These sharks live near the seabed where they use their keen sense of smell to search for prey.

  • In the juvenile stage, sandbar sharks form schools of both sexes. When they reach maturity, they only group with other adults of the same sex. The males and females only meet during the mating season.

Threats & Conservation

IUCN Red List: Endangered
IUCN Red List: Endangered
CITES: Appendix II
CITES: Appendix II

Sandbar sharks are among the main targets of shark fisheries around the world, with people taking their fins, liver and skin. They are also popular among anglers. Due to their slow growth, late sexual maturity and low reproductive rate, sandbar sharks are prone to overfishing. The populations in some parts of the Atlantic and Pacific have been overexploited. Since they live in coastal waters, their habitats can also be degraded by coastal development and pollution.

Do not consume shark fins!

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