Chinese Name: 綠海龜
English Name: Green Turtle

What is Green Turtle?
The green turtle is the second largest turtle on earth and the only species that has breeding records in Hong Kong. Nevertheless, living in Hong Kong is not easy. Green turtles are in the news from time to time for being killed by ghost nets, marine debris and ship propellers.
Sea Turtles and Hong Kong:
Only seven species of sea turtles are identified on earth and five have been recorded in Hong Kong over the years, including loggerhead, leatherback, hawksbill, olive ridley and the only species that has breeding records in Hong Kong, the green turtle.
Threats and Conservation Status:
Green turtles are currently under the protection of the Wild Animals Protection Ordinance (Cap. 170). Hunting, possession, selling or export of green turtles (including their nests and eggs) are prohibited unless a special permit is granted. Offenders are liable to a maximum fine of HK$100,000 and imprisonment for one year, and all items will be confiscated. Ocean Park urges the public to call the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) hotline on 1823 if they come across injured turtles in the wild, so that the authorities can attend to the cases as quickly as possible.

Ocean Park and Sea Turtle Conservation:
Since 2000, Ocean Park has been working with Hong Kong’s Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department for the rescue and rehabilitation of sea turtles from stranding reports and illegal trade. Over the past 20 years, Ocean Park has successfully treated and rehabilitated over 60 sea turtles, including endangered green turtles and critically endangered hawksbill. To raise conservation awareness among the younger generations in Hong Kong, Ocean Park has been organising the “Ocean Park STEAM Student Competition” since 2019 to motivate students to propose creative solutions for animal conservation. Besides, secondary students, university students are invited to participate in the rehabilitation with first-hand experience. The public can learn more about the rescue and conservation of sea turtles through Ocean Park’s YouTube channel or visit the exhibition in the Grand Aquarium.
Let’s Protect Green Turtle
Disposable plastic affects marine life because sea turtles and other animals might eat plastic accidentally. Let’s join the “No straw” campaign to protect sea turtles and marine lives.