Ocean Park is deeply saddened to announce the loss of An An, the world’s longest-living male giant panda under human care, on 21 July 2022. An An lived a full life that ended at the respectable age of 35 – the equivalent of 105 years in human age.
An An’s health showed steady signs of deterioration over the past few weeks, with his food intake declining slowly but progressively. By 17 July 2022, he had stopped taking solid food altogether and only drank water and electrolyte beverage. In addition, his activity levels declined while his rest periods became extended. Ocean Park provided medical care to alleviate the geriatric giant panda’s discomfort.
Unfortunately but as expected, An An’s condition reached a humane endpoint on 21 July 2022. Veterinarians from Ocean Park and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department made the difficult decision to perform the procedure of humane euthanasia on An An after consulting the China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda. The procedure was conducted by Dr Paolo Martelli, Director for Veterinary Service of Ocean Park, at about 8.40am today at An An’s residence in The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures.
An An arrived Hong Kong on 11 March 1999 together with Jia Jia, the world’s longest-living female giant panda who passed away in 2016 at the grand age of 38. Ocean Park expresses its gratitude to the country for gifting the precious giant pandas to Hong Kong, which signifies the Central Government’s care for the city.
“We are truly thankful for the opportunity to take care of Jia Jia and An An throughout the years so that the Park could develop into an important base for panda conservation. Since this long-living panda duo’s arrival at Ocean Park in 1999, they have supported the Park’s endeavours in promoting nature and ecosystems to visitors as its ambassadors.
“An An is an indispensable member of our family and has grown together with the Park. He has also built a strong bond of friendship with locals and tourists alike. An An has brought us fond memories with numerous heart-warming moments. His cleverness and playfulness will be dearly missed. I am thankful to the Park’s animal and veterinary teams for watching over An An around the clock during his final hours. We are certain that the Park’s patrons will join us in paying our final homage to our beloved An An who had lived far beyond the average life expectancy of his species. His legacy will stay as the best testimony to the Park’s ongoing commitment to providing best-in-class husbandry and medical care for giant pandas, with China Conservation and Research Centre for the Giant Panda as an essential partner in all aspects over the years.
An An and Jia Jia’s mission will be furthered by giant pandas Ying Ying and Le Le residing at Giant Panda Adventure,”
Paulo Pong, Chairman of Ocean Park Corporation.
Ocean Park will host condolence books at The Hong Kong Jockey Club Sichuan Treasures and the Park’s official
Facebook page for visitors to pay tribute to An An.